
Author Titlesort descending
Baker H.F. A locus with 25920 selftransformations
Bopp Nicole A Propos des Distributions de Type Positif Pour les Fonctions Invariantes par un Groupe Fini D'isometries. These
Ball Walter W. Rouse A short account of the history of mathematics
Bruck Richard Hubert A Survey of Binary Systems. 3-rd print.correct. B.20
Birkhoff Garrett, MacLane Saunders A survey of modern algebra
Brenkek William Charles A text-book on Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry with Tables
Bernoulli Joh Abhandulgen uber Variations-Rechnung. Abhandulgen von Joh.Bernoulli,(1696), Jac.Bernoulli (1697),und Leonhard Euler (1744)
Bacharach Max Abriss der Geschichte der Potentialtheorie
Barbey K., Konig H. Abstract Analytic function Theory and Hardy Algebras
Bens Allis R. Active English. Pronunciation and Speech
Bromwell Arthur Advanced Mathematics in Physics and Engineering
Bollobas B. editor Advances in Graph Theory
Bardey E. Algebraische Gleichungen nebst den Resultaten und den Methoden zu Ihrer Auflosung
Bourbaki N. Algebre. Chap.1: Structures algebriques
Bourbaki N. Algebre. Chap.2: Algebre lineaire (Deuxieme ed.revue et aug. de deux appendices)
Bourbaki N. Algebre. Chap.3: Algebre multilineaire
Bourbaki N. Algebre. Chap.4: Polynomes et fractions rationnelles; Chap.5: Corps commutatifs
Borel Emile Algebre.Second cycle. 3me ed. revue, corrigee et augmentee par Emile Borel
Bertrand M^me M. Algebres non Associatives et Algebres Gemetiques.
Besicovich A.S. Almost periodic functions
Bohr Harald Almost periodic functions
Besicovich A.S. Almost Periodic Functions
Brondstred Arne An introduction to convex polytopes
Bremaud P. An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling
Bartlett M.S.,F.R.S. An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Special Reference to Methods and Applications
Bocher Maxime An introduction to the study of integral equations
Bromwich T.J. I'A An introduction to the theory of infinite series
Blickensdorfer-Ehlers, Eschmann W.G., Neuzert H., Schelkes K. Analyse 1. Ein Lehr-und Arbeitsbuch fur Atudienanfanger
Barner M., Flohr F. Analysis 1-2
Barner M., Flohr F. Analysis 1-2
Blatter Christian Analysis 1-2. In 2 volumes
Blatter Christian Analysis 1-2. In 2 volumes
Berkson E. et al. Editor Analysis at Urbana. Proceedings of the Special Year in Modern Analysis at the University of Illinois. 1986-87. V.1-2
Berkson E. et al. Editor Analysis at Urbana. Proceedings of the Special Year in Modern Analysis at the University of Illinois. 1986-87. V.1-2
Berenstein C.A., Dostal M.A. Analytically Uniform Spaces and Their Applications to Convolution Equations
Buhl A. Aperous modernes sur la theorie des groupes continus et finis
Balakrishnan A.V. Applied functional analysis
Bruijn N.G. De Asymptotic methods in analysis
Barr M. Autonom,ous Caregories. With an Appendix by Po-Hsiang Chu
Bernays Paul Axiomatic set theory.
